Providing Critical MRI Safety Training to Firefighters since 2022

Our mission is to ensure that MRI facilities have the official training necessary to keep our patients and staff safe.

  • I can truly say without a doubt, our department not only learned valuable takeaways but it's more prepared for responses involving MRI machines.

    JB Moody, Fire Chief, Stevens Point, WI

PDJ Consulting Services


Specifically labeled MRI Safety Zones


Provide a detailed report on missing items required by accredited bodies


Provide equipment safety labeling and conditions to follow on equipment in Zone III/IV


Setup an MRI mock code blue drill required semi-annually or annually depending on your accredited body.


Train MRI staff uses and benefits of using a GBCA Class I, II and III


Specialized training for local fire departments and firefighters as well as maintenance and security to help direct fire professionals in an event of a fire when an MRI is not staffed 24/7.


Train MRI staff how to interpret and understand implant clearance including the spatial gradient magnetic field and the B1+RMS.


Create or review MRI policies to ensure they meet accrediting body requirements.


1:1 training from expert Paula Johnson MRI Safety Officer RT R M MR MRSO (MRSC), by providing a presentation to medical personnel on behind the scenes workflow of MRI, it’s applications and what is really STAT.

Fighting a fire in MRI is unlike any other situation because it presents overlooked dangers that put firefighters at additional risk. Professional training provided by PDJ Consulting will equip firefighters to put out fires safely and confidently in MRI.

How Can Firefighters Benefit?

Alarming Statistics

Injuries and Accidents have gone up 185% since 2018 due to more facilities utilizing MRI and a lack of official MRI safety training.

Meet the Expert

-25 years of MRI experience
-Board Certified MRI Safety Officer (ABMRS)
-Registered MRI Technologist
-Current MRI Technical Specialist at a Major Imaging System

Customer Testimonials

  • The Most Impressive Safety Training!

    Weston, WI

  • Cannot believe we were never informed of such dangers when it came to MRI Fire Safety!

    Ladysmith, WI

  • This was an eye opening experience and training!

    Marshfield, WI

  • Paula's MRI Training is MUST KNOW Information.

    Wausau, WI